

9 -23 luglio

We stayed here for 2 weeks and we have a wonderful time. The historic Villa is beautiful, filled with stunning antiques and family heirlooms. The Villa was perfect for us, 4 adults and 2 children. We used the Villa as a home base for many daytrips, always returning for swimming and wine in the evenings. The grounds are spacious and well-maintain. All of us had a lovely time. Thank you for a fantastic holiday!

The Macaluso Family 
Atlanta – Georgia – U.S.A

4 – 11 agosto

Thoroughly enjoyed our week in Palù. We couldn’t have asked for a more relaxing location for our holiday in Italy. A House full of character; history, set in impressive gardens, with the swimming pool being enjoyed by everybody on a daily basis. We especially enjoyed the Opera in Verona, we thanks for the organization of the transport into town. A great Villa to spend a week holiday in! Plenty of room for 4 adults and 4 teenagers.

Peddie Brown Families

18 – 25 settembre

I had the pleasure to rent the Villa with a group of friends and family.  The Villa is just not the same as the pictures, much larger and beautiful than I anticipated.
Amazing place, the billiard room, TV room and the pool were the main places of entertainment for kids and adults alike.
We did organize outside cookouts and dinners. The owners were very friendly and helpful when we needed to hire extra help for any occasion.
I highly recommend this place for a vacation.

Steve Volpe
Miami – Florida – U.S.A

11 – 18 ottobre

We have been here for 8 days, all together 11 members of our family (8 adults, 2 children and 1 baby). We spent here a wonderful vacation. The Villa and the the two sisters – the owners of the house – were very kind, and fulfill all our wishes (baby bed, baby chair).
The place is wonderful, very convenient to opened our holiday. 
The weather was a little bit cold, but the rooms were heated.
Really – a place to come again!

Nava Steinbrecher and Family
Jerusalem – Israel


21 – 28 luglio

Une semaine passèe à la Villa Maffei par un groupe de cousins, frères, amis francais, amateurs d’opéra mais aussi de reves italiens.
Arrivès de nos règions du nord, nous avons d’emblée été comblés par la magie de lioux: une maison magnifique pleine de charme et de recoins propices à la liberté de chacun, un jardin délicioux.
L’accueil chaleureux et attentif par Emanuela aussi que la beauté du mobilier de cette maison chargée d’historie familiale nous ont permis de nous sentir comme chez nous dans cette belle demour.
Piscine, grappa, produits lacaux et soirèes passè sous les grande arbres  ont nous laissez un vibrant souvenir de ce beau sejour pres de Verone!
Un grand merci de nous tous.

Armelle Badouz Ruoso

28 luglio – 4 agosto

We have had a wonderful week in this beautiful Villa and wish we could stay longer.
Candle-lit in the port were tremendous fun and long lunches on the patio, a delight.
This is a fabulous base from which to explore the region. Don’t miss beautiful Garda Lake or the Opera in Verona.
We would love to return.
Thank you

Wendy Burns
Tunbridge Wells – Kent – UK


6 – 13 luglio

A wonderful seven days in this beautiful, cool, elegant house, ideally placed for visiting so many towns in our wish list.. and then to come back to relax in the pool, a cool down after a day walking around in the heat – bliss! 
Visits to Venice, Mantova, Padova, Verona. Opera in the Arena.
Many delicious meals including locally at Girasole, Sacchetto in Zevio.
Several delicious home-cooked ones prepared in the spacious kitchen and eaten in just aboard all the different outdoor areas. 
A divine week – thank you for making us all so welcome in your beautiful home.

Carrie and Sidney Smith

What a wonderful week – we have had…so many champagne celebrations.
First and foremost our dear friends both birthday, then we celebrated the day after her birthday, the celebrated being in Italy, going to the Opera, we celebrated being by the pool, with cocktails, we celebrated successful day trips to Verona, Venice, Padova, we celebrated the fantastic ice cream cake that was found at the last moment (when all hope was lost of finding a birthday cake on Saturday afternoon!), we celebrated all the flavours of gelati, we celebrated all being together in this fabulous (cool) house – cooking, laughing, talking, swimming, reading, sleeping, relaxing.
We spoke Italian, English, Dutch, Australian, and German (not very well but we still spoke it!). 
Thank you for such a lovely home

Katie and Simon
London – UK

13 – 20 luglio

We had a fabulous, relaxing week of eating, drinking, swimming, playing with the children, sightseeing and relaxing. The House was perfect for the little ones (three, two, one and seven months) and six friends catching up!
Thanks for the recommendations from previous guests; we loved Verona, Venice and Lake Garda. Had a very delicious memorable dinner at Perbellini in Isola Rizza. The weather was beautifully hot every day (even when the boys where cycling up hills in the “La Pinarello”) and the pool was a godsend. Thank you for a lovely week, we really enjoyed the gorgeous house and appreciated the warm welcome.

Family Mew and Meyer

27 luglio – 3 agosto

This week here in this fantastic Villa is my birthday present. We celebrated my 60th birthday for 14 days ago at home on Akkerhaugen, Norway. That was also a very nice day!
We have been 14 family members together for a week and spent most of the time eating good food and drinking good wines, and of course many liters of water and many hours in the swimming pool.
The best time for the children are when everybody play in the pool.
This week has been especially warm – 35/40° – shopping has been almost impossible – satisfaction for the men and the wallet!
We have spent a day in Sirmione, Verona and of course Opera – Nabucco.
It was really a wonderful evening. 
We will thank Farina for a wonderful place to stay – we are very satisfied.

Sigrid and Torshid Haugen
Akkerhaugen – Norway

3 – 10 agosto

Nous avons passè une semaine merveilleuse à la Villa Maffei Rizzardi. Nous tenons encore à vous remarcier pour le chaleraux accueil qui nous a etè reserveé, les numbreux bouquets de fleurs qui ont embaumé l’àtmosphere.
Nous enfants ont également apprécié la Villa et son parc et sa piscine. Il y avait tant pour etre heuerex et nous avons été tres hereux.

Helene Rontani
Paris – France

10 – 31 agosto

Nous venons de passer en famille des moments mervelleux dans cette si bella maison. Nous etons nombreux, mais l’espace est tal que personne ne est genè. Les couloirs et le jardin resomanent toute la journée des rires des enfants…Merci pour l’accueil chaleureux de Manuela! A bientoit 

Daniel et Berenger Oren
Paris – France


4 – 11 giugno

This has been such a wonderful week!!! Your Villa is so quiet and has been so restful and the time was flown by.
The house is stunning and has been a great place for a reunion of both of our families from Scotland and America. The pool was a highlight and a great gathering place for teens and parents alike.
We enjoyed cooking our meals here and eating on the beautiful patio. Emanuela’s fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden topped things off perfectly. 
Your hospitality has been so appreciated. Every time we had a question or needed a tip that required local knowledge you were there to help. 
Thank you for a wonderful vacation!!!

Mac Dougalls – Colorado USA
Murrays – Scotland

14 – 22 giugno

Nous garderon longtemps le souvenir de le merveilleux séjour. Nous avons été tus pur le charme de la Villa, et son parc, et son histoire et de son atmosphére.
La origin regaje de tresus et nous avons regrette de ne pas passer plus de temps a l’interior de sus nus et de son jardin. Emanuela nous a accuelli avec une extraordinair gentilesse et nous avons été tres impressionné par la passion qui elle épruve pour ce splendide semaine. Trine pois merci Emanuela!

Emmanuelle Ansart 

19 – 26 luglio

I hardly know how to describe this extraordinary place. The grounds are beautifully maintained lawns surrounded by glorious mature trees, just behind the manor is a gravel patio area at least 40’ x 30’ with a marble – top garden table that easily seats 14 people. Two old chestnut trees support a double hammock a few yards away.
The pool is lovely, about 50 yards from the house, with a small gazebo and another dining table. The house itself is old, constructed of stone and bricks. The ceilings are at least 20’ high; the walls 14’’ thick.
Each room contains antique furniture, portraits and other items that appear to belong to the family that has lived here for generations. 
The experience of staying here is somewhere between staying in someone’s home (the family’s books are in the library) and in a museum, preserved as life was like for an aristocratic family at the turn of the 19th century. 
The house is in fact rented by the family, and we met several members of this lovely family. Emanuela was especially gracious and helped us with every problem.. she even asked the local doctor to come for a house call for one of our children who had an ear infection.
They were all lovely! Also, I should note the kitchen is large, but not completely modern. The kitchen sink is memorable: a large horizontal slab of marble with a slight grade chiseled in for the water to drain.
We brought five girls, 8-14 years.. they all loved staying in a “castle”.
Many thanks for an extraordinary experience!

Sarah Moulding
Colorado – USA

26 luglio – 2 agosto

We arrived to be received with open arms by Emanuela.
The house was as expected and better, the area worked out to be exactly what we wanted with trips to Padova, Vicenza, Venezia and more.
Unfortunately the weather did not work out too well.
We highly recommended seeing an Opera in the Arena in Verona. It is quite an experience. All together very enjoyable and above all the warm and very helpful nature of the landlady.
Thank you and we will recommend it.

Meridor Family

2 – 9 agosto

Un rêve d’Italie
Un rêve d’Eté
La Vénétie nous offre tant
Sas villas fraîches pintes à fresques
Ses jardins mi sauvage si
civilisés et Corte Grande en
Est la synthèse
Une maison de famille nous a ouvert 
Le temps d’un rêve – ses bras.

Famille Bongrand 
Paris – France

9 – 23 agosto

Nous avons passé deux excellentes semaines à la Villa – Maison magnifique.Aida dans les Arénes de Verone, charmantes villes venitienes Padoue,Vicenza, Vérone, et bien sur Venise et le sympathique accueil d’Emanuela.

Famille Potier et Conty
Teyran – France


13 – 20 giugno

Our second time at this amazing house! We fell in love with the place in 2013 when we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary here. The house is wonderful, lots of space but at the same time intimate and homely. This year we truly made friends with our hosts which has really added to the experience!
Thank you Emanuela and Marisa.. we hope to see you very soon!

Matt and Sarah Lawton
London- England

18 – 25 luglio

We had a lovely time here in the Villa. We created our own memories in this house rich of history. We loved everything, the villa, the pool, the cities around, enjoyed good laughters, food, wine…
Our host Emanuela was absolutely helpful in every possible way!
Our deepest thanks

Sophie, Nicholas, Natasha
San Diego – USA

25 luglio – 1 agosto

We had an extended family of 10 – 6 adults and 4 children ages 5-11.
We took day trips to Verona, Venice (1 hour by train) plus Florence (1 hour and 30 minutes by fast train), the kids were thrilled by it all.
Emanuela was delightful and helpful. It was so great to learn she plus her 5 siblings grew up in this house. On two nights chefs served our dinner on the patio. It was terrific and well worth it. I would recommended not to miss the dinner. 
Thank you for a lifetime and wonderful memories 

Chris Rauh 
Fort Lauderdale – USA

15 – 22 agosto

Tief beeindricht verlassen wir diesen traditionsreichen, wunderschonen Ort! Wir haben eine erhabame, kultur bereichende (Arena di Verona, Padova, Milano, Mantova) urlaubrrioche verbracht. Ennspannt haben wir unsi im sehr gepfleghen Park und am grass zugigen Paal – wir empfelhen die Villa Maffei Rizzardi wamslens weider!
Grazie mille e tanti auguri a tutta la famiglia, siamo contentissimi delle vacanze 2015

Family Riedler and Mannsbart


9 – 16 luglio

We had a very enjoyful and relaxing family holiday in this fantastic house with its magnificent environment. Thanks for all the nice preparations and inspiring details.

Lidstrom Family 

16 – 30 luglio 

To Emanuela – a very big thank you for a wonderful 2 weeks: We have been family and guests up to 10 at most – great company, great food and in the most amazing setting – a film set with history and character, and a perfect rest cure from our daily hours. We have thoroughly enjoyed your jam + soap and your recommendations for local visits. Our only frustration was for the one night of rain occurred during Turandot so we missed what would have been a great performance. We have travelled to Mantova, Soave, Padua, Verona and also Fratta Polesine, Montagnina and Borghetto as well as brief trip to Sirmione. The garden is amazing and the mansion too. The House is so special we have dined outside for every meal danced in the ballroom and sung Bach in the main reception room. A truly memorable holiday!

Family Ruthven Hall
Cambridge – United Kingdom

30 luglio – 13 agosto

What a good “home” for the last 2 weeks! A place where 6 decades of us could live together but yet have our own space! A peaceful place well away from the crowds but within easy range of the places to ….. the youngest and us oldies! Us oldies enjoyed sitting in cafes by the lake drinking local wine an d watching the world go by, relaxing on a cruise on the lake and visiting the Valpolicella area and the “Park Le Cascate” at Molina – my personal recommendations.
The younger generation loved the swimming pool and running around the beautiful grounds. A trip up to Monte Baldo is also well worth it (be there by 10am to avoid the queue!) Great walk down the mountain even better paragliding if you can book a space. The ginger cat loves a fuss and a little snack. The fresh figs, the basil and rosemary are all lovely. Some great recommendations from Emanuela, Makaroni restaurant well worth a visit, Rossetto Supermarket useful start for supplies. Local bar is a nice little walk if you fancy an ice cream or a glass of wine, lovely staff with zero English so great fun practicing Italian. Lazise, great tour on Lake Garda, well worth a visit especially on market day. Classique was our favourite restaurant, great food and good views.
Verona well worth a visit for the Opera, but be prepared for a long evening if you have small children. Thank you Emanuela, from all of us, for making our stay at Villa Maffei Rizzardi so memorable.

Family Simpson
Hatfield – United Kingdom

28 settembre – 2 ottobre

We feel are leaving a magical place. The flower arrangements were beautiful! Your hospitality and helpfulness were above and beyond. Grazie!
Thank you so much for sharing the history and beauty of your home. I feel like I was living in a story book full of love stories and amazing family experiences. I can’t wait to come back and hear more about this wonderful home. SO beautiful. Thank you again!
Tante grazie Emanuela! Grazie per l’opportunità di tenere una festa per il mio dottorato e anche passare quattro notti di sogno. E’ stato un piacere conoscerla e speriamo di tornare presto! Grazie per tutto! 

Family Lockwoods 
California – USA


25 – 28 maggio 

Dear Emanuela, thankyou so, so much for having us in this truly amazing place of yours! We enjoyed it so much and we are very sad now to leave the beautiful Italy. Our bride loved it incredibly and did her hens
MILLE GRAZIE – we will always remember this weekend!

Carlotta Heubach
Grossgmain – Osterreich

15 – 18 giugno

Thank you very much for the wonderful holidays in your amazing Villa and garden!

Jonas Rach
Munchen -Germany

26 giugno – 3 luglio

Thank you! It was very best holidays here in Villa Maffei Rizzardi. We enjoyed the sun, swimming and good food. The Villa was perfect, like a princess castle. Our children played and imaged to be in a castle.
Garden was very beautiful and the pool was perfect!
Thank you and have a nice summer!

Family Valkeaapa
Lappenrantu – Finland

15 – 22 luglio 

Dear Emanuela, 
What a week, what a Villa, what a hostess!
We thank you for your kindness, your expert advices, tolerance for one dog and not the least the opportunity to stay at your ancestral Home & enjoy everything this wonderful region has to offer.
The Villa is truly wonderful and has character and soul beyond recognition.

Family Nieminen
Russikon – Switzerland

29 luglio – 5 agosto

Beautiful holidays in beautiful House. Every day was amazing between friends.
A good welcome from Emanuela cette Villa est un endroit magnifique pour le belle soireé entre amis en borde de la piscine.
A beautiful Garden with Flowers.
Venise, Verone, Lazise…  
We will come back!

Family Schaaf
Thionville – France

5 – 12 agosto

A delicious moment in this gorgeous family house with our family (6 adult + 4 kids)! Thanks to Emanuela who kindly welcomed us and helped us in showing us all the places to go to. We had a wonderful time at the Verona Opera (Tosca, simply beautiful, despite the rain!) – Our kids enjoyed a lot the pool and the garden. We will come back for sure!

Agnes, Julien, Karen, Pierre, Chantal and the kids
Famille Huyghues Despointes Rocherieux
Paris – France

12 – 26 agosto

Thank you very much for your lovely welcome to your family house. 
We have been very happy to share with your daughter, sister in law, and son in law (and especially with Emanuela) such a kind evening. In addition to your excellent cuisine, we were very pkeased to learn so many things about your region and the history of your family. Thank you also for the visit of your “Corte”. The children did appreciate the swimming pool, and so did our “nonna”. We were very impressed by the garden and the cleaning ladies. 
Your flowers brought much life to the house. 

Family Pardaens 


2 – 16 giugno

We thoroughly enjoyed our stay in this lovely old house full of character and history. A beautiful and peaceful place to rest during our holiday here. 
Thank you Emanuela for your lovely welcome, floral display and holidays tips during our stay. 
Very good restaurant nearby in “Oppeano” called “Makeroni” – great pizza selection. 
Day trips to Verona, and Venice a must see and Lake Garda

Family Eivers 
Cork – Ireland

14 – 21 luglio

Avec nos trois famills nous avons passé un excellent sejour dans cette Viulla du XVII qui nous a fait remonter le temps. Nous y avons treouvé ce que nous cherchons:

  • Un lieu calme et des chambres fraiches
  • Un vast parc où les enfants ont pu courir sans aucun risqué
  • Une belle piscine et sa pergola

Nous avons, sour la suggestion de notre hôte, visité l’admirable bourg de BORGHETTO et goûté aux “tortellini”.
Nous avons visité Verone et ses sites Mémoriaux.
Une trés belle semaine à la quelle il faut ajouter la cordialité et la gentilesse de notre hôte qui a su nous mettre à notre aise.

Familles De Poli
Belfort et Rochefort – France

21 – 28 luglio

We have had such a wonderful stay in your beautiful home. It felt like a fairytale to stay here. The wonderfully furnished, beautifully upkept house, the stunning grounds, the graceful atmosphere and the charm and character that Villa Maffei Rizzardi offers marries the antique history with modern convenience for a pewrfect holiday. For us it brought together our family from Los Angeles + Amsterdam 3 generations torought together for some quality time to create special memories. Thank you for your hospitality, the beautiful flowers, your tips for the best tortellini in Borghetto. (I agree!)  

Family Van De Sande
Hoofddorp – Netherlands

11 – 25 agosto

Dear Emanuela,we have been here for two wonderful sunny weeks!
Unsere highlights:

  • In einem kleinen Schlass zu leben
  • Der wunderschöne Pool
  • Abends unter Kastanienbäumen zu sitzen
  • Die Bienale in Venedig zu besuchen
  • Endlich mal Aida in Verona zu sehen
  • Der wunderbare Giousti-Garten…..

Eva Pawlitschko


17 – 22 giugno

This was a beautiful sunny week in the “Maffei” castle, as the children called it. We enjoyed the swimming pool and the large, high rooms.
We will bring back a lot of remembrances from the area of Verona and Venice. 
Thank you for the warm welcome. 

Family Wang 
California – USA

6 – 13 luglio

We have had a lovely family week. The house has been perfect place plenty of rooms for us to relax. The pool was much cozy. Thank you Emanuela for making us feel so welcome. Giulia’s Restaurant was fabulous and the food and wine delicious. 

Family Hereward

13 – 27 luglio

Thank you for a warm welcome to your beautiful home full of history, Emanuela, and for your help and advice during our stay. We made good use of your swimming pool, a very welcome relief from the heat of Italy.

Reid, Thomson, Christie Families
Aberdeen – Scotland

3 – 10 agosto

We had a beautiful week in this lovely house. We enjoyed it very much. Also our dig beer who stayed inside in the “old” kitchen. The children loved the swimming pool. Thanks for this “special” place in Italy.

Family Schrickx
The Netherlands

10 – 17 agosto

Our Family spent a wonderful week in this beautiful Villa Maffei Rizzardi. Thank you so much to our delightful host Emanuela, so kind with us and who gave us so great advice on what to see, where to go and where to eat.
It was such a pleasure do discover Mantova and all the beautiful cities in the area. 

Family Olivieri


4 – 11 luglio

We loved it here – it was a wonderful week!

Family Bujotzek
München – Germany

20 – 24 luglio

We had a wonderful week in your truly amazing and beautiful House. The kids loved hanging out in the pool, and I enjoyed long conversations in the patio with my parents and my wife and playing billard with my dad. We will always remember this as a wonderful family holiday and woulkd love to return one day!

Ditter Family
München – Germany

27 luglio – 2 agosto

What a completely unbelievable place. A home away from home that will never be forgotten. There is magic in every room and calmness that makes it a perfect place to get away. 
(p.s The best beef tomatoes in the planet)

Letizia Fraschini
London – England

2 – 9 agosto

Thank you for your hospitality, the welcome was so friendly, we couldn’t have asked for a more helpful or generous host. The house and grounds are stunning and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay. Even two days of rain did not dfampen our stay! Thank you!

Family Payne
London – England

19 – 24 agosto

Dear Emanuela, 
Thank you for the wonderful days in your family home. We enjoyed the warm days in the nice swimming pool and the wonderful garden!

Tobias Erdmann
Wien – Austria